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For all of James' effort to keep a log on the trip I am making very little effort. Too much to do on vacation to write about it. Today we will be leaving Montrose to head to the Fort Collins vicinity to visit my sister there. It has been nice here to visit so many of the people that I was raised with and raised by.

As James planned, he has done some world class loafing. Much of that was done in front of this computer screen, another reason for me not getting here any more often than I have; still competing with him for computer time. Of course I have Yvonne's sewing machine and got busy making curtains for the folks' house. This also may have been a cause for keeping me from the computer. lol... All in all, James and I seem to gravitate to those things that we seem to like to do best at home anyway.

Yesterday we went to Grand Junction. Leta opened her home for family to come and visit with us. We are related to so many people there we cannot possibly go to each person's home so this was very appreciated by us. Many folks were there and the afternoon was spent with women in the kitchen catching up on each others families then reminiscing on old times while men sat in the front room talking of farming and how the area was expanding. Since all were reluctent to end the time pizza was ordered and we all gravitated to the kitchen and conversation continued there. Oh, so good to spend time with all these folks. We did sneak out for a bit to see my cousin Karen who could not come over because her husband was home from the hospital very ill still and not able to be left alone. This truly was a great day and a wonderful memory for me to treasure.

Time to pack and get on the road. Hope if you are reading this you enjoy what we post. I am sure enjoying seeing the great country of Colorado again. Pretty country here. My longing to move back here is stronger than ever.


📅 c: 2003-09-08 07:37 ✏️ e:

tags: #travel #family #Colorado

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